Sunday, August 15, 2010

Preschool At Home

Rachel is starting week two of  preschool at home.  It's going good so far, except for having to get up early.  We start our day by getting up by the alarm at about 6:45.  We get ready, go downstairs, get a drink, and get the treatments started.  The norm is ....."puffer" (inhaler) and nose spray - wait a few minutes then Rachel starts the hypertonic saline (breathing treatment) and chest therapy.  After the first ten minutes is done, she does some practice coughs to try to get some mucus out (it's a work in progress).  Then she does pulmozyme (breathing treatment) and another ten minutes of chest therapy.  When that ten minutes is done, she does another round of practice coughs.  Then it's the last ten minutes of chest therapy. Done!  Now we get to eat breakfast and start school at 9:00.  Our schedule is 1- daily lesson, 2 - story/poem/song, 3 - snack break, 4 - activity/craft, 5 - computer time, 6 - exercise, 7 - lunch and school ends at 12:00.  It's working great for us so far.  I had really hoped it would because I really don't want to send Rachel to school just yet.  The plan is to home school through her younger years.  When she can prove to be a good advocate for herself and somewhat responsible for her health, she will have the option to go to public school .  I'm not confident that the school would look after her best interest.  Most people don't know what CF is or completely understand how complex it is.  So, that's where we're at with the school topic.  I welcome any comments, tips, or advice you may have....especially if you have CF or are a parent of a child with CF.   

Our preschool curriculum was taken from
This is a really great blog and if you have a preschooler at home, it's worth looking into.  

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