Saturday, March 3, 2012

Just 2 Wheels.....And Racking Up the Miles!

She's so proud.

   Just over a week ago, Rachel informed me that she wanted to practice on her little bike without training wheels.  One of her friends recently learned and I believe they've been talking about it at the playground.  If I had to guess, I'd say her sweet friend was encouraging.
   So, last Friday after school, she practiced on her little bike. She was a bit wobbly but very excited and determined.  She practiced for about 30 minutes and then had to stop to get chest therapy done before church.  Saturday was her totally awesome party.....which I need to blog about.  Sunday, her birthday, she practiced again and was beginning to get it.  Monday she got it!  She practiced after school and got it.  She learned to ride without training wheels in 3 thirty minute sessions.  When I say she learned to ride,  I really mean she learned all by herself.  Russ and I didn't help her other than giving her verbal cues and instructions.  Oh my goodness, she was so happy, she was glowing for days and kept saying, "I can't believe I can ride without training wheels!". 
   After practicing in the alley, we ventured out on our bikes to continue racking up the miles and so Rach could get that first long ride in on 2 wheels.  Of course, all I heard the whole 3 miles was, "I just can't believe I learned to ride with just 2 wheels!"  It was cute.  I'm happy I finally got a bike.  It is so much fun riding together.  It's good exercise for both of us and it's the perfect time to chat about stuff. 
   Rachel has been keeping a log of her biking miles.  The log started January 1st.  To date Rachel has biked 95 miles!  She biked 48.5 in Jan., 37 in Feb. & 9.5 the first 2 days of March.  The day we reach 100 miles, I have plans of us biking to get ice cream to celebrate.  Shhhh, it's a surprise

Practicing in the alley behind the house.

More practice.

Taken a few days before learning to ride on 2 wheels.
She still has to learn on this bigger bike.
Biking together is a fun, special time for us.

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